Monday, December 17, 2018
Monday, December 3, 2018
germany summer learning journey
Hello bloggers. This week we did an activity of the summer learning journey. it is a site where you do activity and you have to blog about it. and there is a spot prize for the person who wins it altogether but there are prizes for every school. And if you do a lot of posts you will get a prize at the end. So for the first activity we have to chose a country and write facts about it. the reason why I chose Germany is because they are really good at football and they won the world cup for 2014 and my favourite sport. and another reason is that it is a very big country because it has 16 federal states and 3 city states.
last year from our school Sam came first and he got a big prize from Megan she is from the summer learning journey.
last year from our school Sam came first and he got a big prize from Megan she is from the summer learning journey.
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Movie making
Hello blogger world. Last term (Term 3) we made movies for the Ako Hiko film festival. About three movies only get picked from each of the senior classes. Before we got started we had to learn what kind of shots there are like Medium shot, close up and large shot. They all mean like for an example close up means when the person is talking really close to the camera. And when we learnt those kind of shots we had a group of four people making a movie. Then we made a google doc on our Chromebooks and planned what our movie was about. So once we did that our teacher gave us the iPad's once we were done we had to share the movie with our teacher.
Here is my groups movie
Here is my groups movie
Friday, October 19, 2018
Our thinking hats
hello bloggers. Yesterday the whole senior syndicate went to watch waikowhai intermediate production called THIS IS ME. when we got there we saw hay park and may road school and a lot more schools. When we we got there we saw friends and people who had left the school so we said hi to them. And the intermediate gave us free buses to get there and to get back so that was kind of them. when we got back to school it was two a clock so we got lunch play but not as long and lunch eating after that we did the DeBono six thinking hats about the show

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Wednesday, September 26, 2018
literacy tumble
Hi bloggers. 3 weeks ago we started our literacy tumble. It is where we have tasks to finish by Friday and if we have not finished the 4 tasks by Friday we have to stay in and do it in our own time. So we have to have done the 4 red ones by Friday they are called must do's those are the ones we have to finish. And then we have should do's you dont have to do but if you have finished your must do's you have to do it. And there is could do's you dont have to do those.
In our books we have a timetable and it shows us what we are going to do. This is what it look like.
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Our tecnolgy rotation
Hi bloggers. For three weeks we had a class rotation. It was based on technology. So every class had to start of with there own class. So in my class we did something thats called a Geo board. We had to saw a piece of wood and measure it and it had to be 12 cm on the side and we to measure 12 cm of where we wood cut it then we had to get some nails and hammer it into our wooden piece of would the hammers were't enough for everybody. So we used big sticks at first I thought it might not work but it did and I was surprised. we had to only nail in 25 nails in the board but before that we had to get a pencil and mark it before we nailed in 25 nails.
Here is the one I made in class

In the second week of us doing our technology class and the next class was Waitemata we had to make a design with some pieces of string and some pieces of ice block sticks and a plastic cup and we were not allowed to break the ice block sticks because so the other class that was going to come could use them. We had about 45 minutes to finish we did not come first but we did finish.
In the 3rd class we had to get any metal pieces and make a led light work for a long time . I had the longest piece in the class and there was a batterie that with the led light we had to put the long piece in the bottom and the short piece in the top. At the end we had to put all the pieces away and put them in the right place and we had to give the batterie back and the led light back.
We learned to never give up not go into frustration and we learned how to preserver all together.
So next time when we do something similar to the I will remember these rules.
Why we have to follow these rules is that when we get really frustrated and we lose hope we can remember this and stand tall again.
Here is the one I made in class

In the second week of us doing our technology class and the next class was Waitemata we had to make a design with some pieces of string and some pieces of ice block sticks and a plastic cup and we were not allowed to break the ice block sticks because so the other class that was going to come could use them. We had about 45 minutes to finish we did not come first but we did finish.
In the 3rd class we had to get any metal pieces and make a led light work for a long time . I had the longest piece in the class and there was a batterie that with the led light we had to put the long piece in the bottom and the short piece in the top. At the end we had to put all the pieces away and put them in the right place and we had to give the batterie back and the led light back.
We learned to never give up not go into frustration and we learned how to preserver all together.
So next time when we do something similar to the I will remember these rules.
Why we have to follow these rules is that when we get really frustrated and we lose hope we can remember this and stand tall again.
Friday, August 10, 2018
Stop motion
Hi bloggers. Firstly we got some Play dough or some Lego to play around to our make stop motion video. But I used Lego. Our whole syndicate had to come and do it. The stop motion app is where you go to the white circle down beneath just click that and if you don't have it you can just search up stop motion animator and it should be there. We could not put the play dough on the ground because it would of smudged on the ground.
When we got on our app there was a button that said capture but you could also press space to capture
in my video I had my hands in there a lot so can you just ignore that. [sorry] next time I will try and take my hands out.
I hope you like it. Thanks
When we got on our app there was a button that said capture but you could also press space to capture
in my video I had my hands in there a lot so can you just ignore that. [sorry] next time I will try and take my hands out.
I hope you like it. Thanks
Friday, August 3, 2018
New basketball hoops and new playground
Hi bloggers. Last week we had the new playground coming out so we decided to have a grand opening for it. So all the classes came out at 10 clock we set up mats for everybody to sit down. Then our teacher said you have to pick a junior with you to go together on the playground for a little bit.
After everybody had turn going on the playground we all went back to class and we went to morning tea.
We also had the basketball hoops come out onto
to the courts as the same time as the playground was open.
So we had to move the soccer posts to the other courts.
Monday, July 30, 2018
Improving blog comments
Hi bloggers. This week we had a cyber smart lesson about how to improve our blog comments. So we learned many things of how to improve your blog comment and I will be sharing the stuff I learnt with you.
We learned the PTH which is something positive something thoughtful and lastly something helpful.
And we always have to have them in order like positive first in your comment then thoughtful, lastly something helpful.

We had to always follow these six rules
- Does it make sense ?
- Does it convey meaning ?
- Did you check it with a buddy or teacher ?
- Does it ask a question ?
- Keep your comment brief and polite ?
- Have you checked it fully and included PTH ?
In my comment I had a little mistake in my comment that was i had not put what it had reminded me about.
We learned the PTH which is something positive something thoughtful and lastly something helpful.
And we always have to have them in order like positive first in your comment then thoughtful, lastly something helpful.

We had to always follow these six rules
- Does it make sense ?
- Does it convey meaning ?
- Did you check it with a buddy or teacher ?
- Does it ask a question ?
- Keep your comment brief and polite ?
- Have you checked it fully and included PTH ?
In my comment I had a little mistake in my comment that was i had not put what it had reminded me about.
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Hello bloggers. Its Qais, three days ago we read about Samoa and the tsunamis so we made a google drawing or we could do tinker cad. I did google drawing because it seems more easier to me. we had to make a waterproof house and say how that makes it waterproof and label it with the features we gave it to the house.
...Here is the google drawing...
Hello bloggers Its Qais. Last week we went Tiritiri Matangi for a trip. we had to leave at 7:50 in the morning for the ferry. first we had to wait for the bus to take us to the ferry so we are in time to reach the ferry. It is a island for all the native birds in New Zealand. The day before the trip we got a notice, we had to give it our parents to read. It said no dirty shoes because it might have little bugs in it, so could you please clean your shoes the night before .And they might kill birds on the island. On the island we are not allowed to eat while we are on the island because we might drop some food and the birds eat it and they get really sick and die. When we got there we had to get into small groups that the teacher said every group had a guide to walk them and see all the native birds and all about them. We were not allowed to run because it might make the birds think that it is really noisy and they might leave the island and go somewhere else.
blogging about the zoo
report, recount and reflect
My favourite part of the day was is when we went to the bug-lab and saw all the bugs and there was one where you had to rub this platform and kill all the bees and you could feel the temperature on the platform that you were rubbing. (Who) And you cant do it all by yourself because you will have to move from one platform to anther platform so thats why you had to have more than three people or more.
(When) we came out of the bug-lab we went to the extraordinary tall Giraffe's. (what) They were going near a really tall tree that was almost as tall as the giraffe. The zebra's and giraffe's were in the same place where the people can see them.
(where) DONE
(when) DONE
(who) DONE
(what) DONE
(When) we came out of the bug-lab we went to the extraordinary tall Giraffe's. (what) They were going near a really tall tree that was almost as tall as the giraffe. The zebra's and giraffe's were in the same place where the people can see them.
(where) DONE
(when) DONE
(who) DONE
(what) DONE
Friday, June 22, 2018
Hi bloggers. Last week we started to do art for art show on week 9. So we did New Zealand birds I did the ruru owl for my art piece. We had a very big paper that is why we had to draw a really big bird. When we finished drawing it we had to show the teacher and if she said it's ok we could paint it. We had really good paper it was cortridge paper that's why we could give more layers of paint to it and it was really thick paper. Our teacher told us to do our background first so we don't wreck our bird.
First we we drew it on our art book then we got the good copie and drew it on their but I choose to draw another bird on the good copie because for me the other Tui that I did I did not like it.
We also had a crossover on Tuesday or Thursday the crossover was technology and music and art I was in art and for art we had to draw something of where you would like to go on a train since my teacher said anything I did something fantasy it was a spooky door.
Year 6 students had to draw anything of where they would like to on train. So 5 years later they could come to the train station and see their piece of art work because our teacher told us to write our name somewhere on art piece .
We also did installation art as well for the art show so we made a small house. We had to get all the classrooms soft plastic rubbish bins and put them into a big bag then throw them into the big house. We had turns throwing the rubbish in. And when you go inside it smells so so bad thats why I never want to go and throw rubbish in the small house. We also had two helpers to help us make it. We also did a google drawing about how to stop the littering in this world so we printed the google drawing and glued them on to a piece of wood and stuuck them into the ground near the house for the art show

First we we drew it on our art book then we got the good copie and drew it on their but I choose to draw another bird on the good copie because for me the other Tui that I did I did not like it.
We also had a crossover on Tuesday or Thursday the crossover was technology and music and art I was in art and for art we had to draw something of where you would like to go on a train since my teacher said anything I did something fantasy it was a spooky door.
Year 6 students had to draw anything of where they would like to on train. So 5 years later they could come to the train station and see their piece of art work because our teacher told us to write our name somewhere on art piece .
We also did installation art as well for the art show so we made a small house. We had to get all the classrooms soft plastic rubbish bins and put them into a big bag then throw them into the big house. We had turns throwing the rubbish in. And when you go inside it smells so so bad thats why I never want to go and throw rubbish in the small house. We also had two helpers to help us make it. We also did a google drawing about how to stop the littering in this world so we printed the google drawing and glued them on to a piece of wood and stuuck them into the ground near the house for the art show

Friday, May 25, 2018
Yesterday our teacher made us a word art account. he showed us how it works and we had to write words about our feelings. We wrote about our feelings of how we get bullied and other times. We watched two video about how to stop bulling we watched two the other one was how bystanders have a special power. After that we were only allowed to use the emoji ones and this is what I chose My classmates chose other funny ones. We could change the background and the font and layout my background was black because it stands out the emoji.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Des Hunts visits waikowhai primary
Today, Des hunt came to visit Waikwohai Primary. He made us a presentation. He is a famous writer in New Zealand. In my class our teacher is reading us one it is called sunken forest. The year 4 and 3 went together first. They finished at 10.00. After they finished year 6 and 5 went. he showed us his first book, he wrote but when he went publish it they kept coming back with a letter in it, it said your book can not be published so for 3 years he did nothing.
My favourite part was when he had this ramp with mar balls and he said from the bottom the mar ball has to reach the top so he tried on his first time but it did not reach the top so he got a magnet and put it on the ramp he put two mar balls on the top and rolled the mar ball down and sudenly it went up but still did not reach the top so he put another magnet on top of that magnet and rolled the mar ball down but did not reach the top so he put down his third magnet and once he rolled one mar ball it reached the top and rolled off so he got gong and said can somebody hold this for me and It was me I was nervous because the mar ball might hi my face but it hit the gong.
Now that I have seen Des Hunts presentation I will read more of his books and keep trying if you get rejected use same tricks that he did to become writer. ask more questions on his website.
My favourite part was when he had this ramp with mar balls and he said from the bottom the mar ball has to reach the top so he tried on his first time but it did not reach the top so he got a magnet and put it on the ramp he put two mar balls on the top and rolled the mar ball down and sudenly it went up but still did not reach the top so he put another magnet on top of that magnet and rolled the mar ball down but did not reach the top so he put down his third magnet and once he rolled one mar ball it reached the top and rolled off so he got gong and said can somebody hold this for me and It was me I was nervous because the mar ball might hi my face but it hit the gong.
Now that I have seen Des Hunts presentation I will read more of his books and keep trying if you get rejected use same tricks that he did to become writer. ask more questions on his website.
Wednesday, May 2, 2018
Hi bloggers last week is was Anzac day. I did not go to the dawn parade I was just at home like a normal day but we went to the swimming pool on our bikes. ANZAC day is when the Australia and new Zealand solders went to war to serve our country . That is why ANZAC stands for Australian New Zealand Army Corps. And the dawn parade is when we go early in the morning and go to a memorial and see all the poppies around your grand dad or your dad that went to war and died.
We will remember them.
This is a book that we read in class it is a about New Zealand saving a town in France
Friday, April 13, 2018
inquiry for te aka ako
Hello bloggers. This week for inquiry the whole of Te Waka Ako had to get a word and all the words an animal my first one I started with was crustacean We had random groups of 6-7. Crustacean are animals with shells, and all of them live in the sea like a turtle. Then after we knew what our word meant we had to make a play or song out of the word that we had. My group made a song out of crustacean This is what we did.
crustacean crustacean
they all live in the sea
all of them have shells
not like you and me
but none of them say moo

Last week we had some work on our Chromebook on the maths page that was set up for us.
The topic was fractions. The fraction that I had was two tenths. And we had draft the our teacher gave us to copy of but we had a different fraction it was just for if you get stuck some where. I learnt how to Write an assigned fraction. I think I went really well.
Friday, March 23, 2018
Swimming sport
Last week we did swimming sports at Cameron pools because we finished our lessons at Cameron pools. We also did house group races. Whoever came 1st would get 80 house points. And who ever came in there freestyle and backstroke 1st in there race would go to house group races. We had four races. My group, Tui, came first twice and came last once and then came second in the last race. In my races I came 3rd in freestyle then I came 3rd in backstroke. So I did not get go to house group races so I had to cheer for Tui.
Friday, March 9, 2018
Hello bloggers. Two weeks ago we did a All About Me we had to write what our favourite things were and what we did in the holidays. First our teacher gave us a template of the all about me. It had like what are favourite stuff were and what we did in the holidays. After that we had to make a google drawing and copy and paste everything from the template to the drawing in the drawing we could change our background and the fonts. sorry the writing you cant see next time ill have a clear writing.
Thursday, March 1, 2018
Tiriti of Waitangi
Hello bloggers. This week we read a book about Waitangi. Once we had read the book we had a document to do on our Chromebook, our teacher read the book and got questions from the book and made a doc about it. I learnt a lot that I did not think I would learn about NZ history.
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Welcome back to 2018

Kawa of Care.
Thanks for visiting my blog post.
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summer learning journey day one week one activity 1
top 3 facts in the tourism New Zealand website summer learning journey day one week one activity 1 1. New Zealand is one of the last...
Hello bloggers. Its Qais, three days ago we read about Samoa and the tsunamis so we made a google drawing or we could do tinker cad. I did ...
Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.