Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Wheels day

Hello bloggers. This Monday my school decided to have a fun day because it was the last fun day of the year and with the year sixes. We got to come in mufti and bring a gold coin for the school and we could buy ice blocks and sausages. Also you could bring your bike, scooter, skateboard  something with wheels or anything with wheels. In the morning we got set up in groups so we all have a turn on the slip and slide and the pools. People without togs had to read a book in the shade where the trees are. And also they could watch everybody.

Friday, December 8, 2017

My favourite time of the year

Hello bloggers. Since it is nearly the end of the year I decided to make a blog about my favourite time of the year.  Lets get a move on with my blog.  What my favourite times of the year are cross country and athletics.  What I love about it is because it's fun and we get to do sprints and I  like sprinting but most that I like cross country I always do my best and try and get into zones. Because I like going to zones so we can win  the cup for our school. but this year when we went we did'int win three kings primary school won  the cup and three king always win. I wish we win one day i'm sure we will.

                                                 Here are some photos of the day.



hello bloggers. last week we had gala day and it was success  when the gala day was finished my teacher set up a task on our chrome books and we had to finish it. It was called thinking hats it was called thinking hats because in each slide it was red hat or green hat and all the other hats. And at the top it would say what a green hat is. Also we cold make the backgrounds and we had to go to the senior syndicate gallery and find photos of the celebration day. And change the font of the writing.

Friday, November 24, 2017


Hi bloggers. last week we went on a beach clean up at waikowhai beach and their was scientist there to check how well we were doing  we each had to go to a rock pool and we had a list of animals in a beach and we to find some of those animals in the rock pool. We each got a group o a 5 or 6. My group found a lot of crabs and enemies we found a lot of other stuff to once we got back we had lunch and estimated how much rubbish their was i that beach .  What I liked was when we went down to the beach. What was hard was that estimating how much rubbish was on the beach.

Friday, November 17, 2017


Hello bloggers.  two terms ago my school decided to have a gala day. Every single class had to make something for the gala day. My class Manukau created recycled paper.  Hauraki made  tout bags  and Waitemata had made  soap. My teacher had  plenty of scrunched up paper that was used  and he decided to make recycled paper out of it so first we had to tear all the used paper into tiny pieces. And then place it all in a bucket load of warm water  then  you had to get a egg beater and beat all of it until it looked like porridge . Then get a large container and pour all of it into the container then get a mesh and scoop all of it up and put it on a paper cloth and lastly let it dry in  the  hot beautiful sun. What was hard was cleaning the whole classroom at the end of the day. And what was easy that making the paper. We choose to make recycled paper because it's helping the world instead of trowing away paper that you could use.

Thursday, November 9, 2017


Hello bloggers. two weeks ago I finished my NZ journey in the start I had an idea of what it was about but then figured it out it was about a journey camp that you had to estimate how much you would spend. You had ten/eleven days and their was 39 slides they were all about your petrol cost and activities to do in like Invercargill and cape reinga and more . the first day was about which flight your going to choose out of jet star and air new Zealand and I choose air new Zealand . And the next slide was about which car you would choose there was a Juci rental a Toyota Prado a small juicy  rental a Toyota Yaris a Holden Trax and  I choose the Toyota Prado. I think I finished it in 2 or 1 weeks. We had to get to Cape Reinga  and when we got to to it there was a video about Cape Reinga. the hardest part in it was about how much petrol you use in it and the easiest part was choosing your hotels and stuff. And I learnt how to book and and plan the trip


Friday, October 27, 2017


Hello bloggers. Last week my teacher gave me a novel to read and all the other classes got one and we had a link in our Chromebook it was the novel study and once we read the book we had to go to the got novel study and finish that. There's like what your favourite part was and what the book was about and what hard words did you not understand and the we had to go to the dictionary and look for it and what it meant. My book was called Hero im not finished just yet im on page 164 and there are 291 pages my friend Fadlan has finished the book jonty and choc. My  favourite part was when Leo became friends with Warren Miller because he did some lecture about a gladiator and Warren Miller liked it.

Friday, September 29, 2017


Hello bloggers. Today in inquiry we made a google animation around our inquiry topic of mountains. Some did it about skiing and snow leopards and others did it about snowboarding. We could do anything relating to snow. I did snowboarding. So this is how we did it we went in our drives then we clicked NEW after we pressed goggle slides  and then we choose a background  and the background it self had to be a about snow to and if you want to duplicate your slide you go to the top where it says slide and then it will say duplicate slide. Here this is mine that I made I did 200  slides. hope u enjoy. I'm not finished just yet. It took a really long time to make this google animation it was a little bit hard.

Friday, September 15, 2017


Hi bloggers. on September 12th we had cross country at [Waikowhai primary school]  so first the year ones went and the other years were playing games like racau sticks and connect 4 and more the first games I went to the pick up sticks next we went to the blind fold challenge at last it was our turn but we first had to get warmed up our teacher told us we are running out of time so do you guys want to do 2 kms or 1 and a half km. But she was only kidding and made use run 2 because we are old enough to run longer.  It was ok though because i kn ow that i can run much longer than that because i am super fit.  We had to line up on the line and then Ms Sands said on your Marks, get set, go. I was trying to be tactical and not run to fast at the start so I saved my energy.......But guess what I can FIRST OOOH Yeah.  Here are some photos from the day. Enjoy 



Monday, September 11, 2017


Hi bloggers. Today September 11th in school we had a amazing magic science show. So there was to people who were showing us magic science. There names were Richard and Robyn. Richard was the person who was showing the magic show and Robyn was the one that put music on the computers when ever she wanted. My favourite part was when he made a big gigantic, humongous bubble. Another thing he did he said that he's going to make a fireworks in here I said no way he can do this. But he did.  He got the lighter and he made a firework woow I said man is he crazy that is not science that is magic.

I wonder how he does the magic is he a scientist or something.   

I learnt that the pressure of the air can carry heavy loads. 

In the bubbles you can see rainbow colours. to make bubbles you need soap,water and oxygen

Friday, September 1, 2017


Hello bloggers. Last week week 5 term 3 2017 the whole senior school went to camp to Mt Ruapehu to ski and snowboard. On the first day we went to Hamilton from Auckland it was a 1 hour drive when we got there we had a stop for lunch and then we had another drive it was about 50 or 40 minutes and it was play ground and in a school the school let us burrow the play ground. We finally got to our hotel we had dinner and then we went to sleep it was 9:00   time we had to go to bed every day. The next day went to Mt Ruapehu  for skiing and snowboarding.  We took really long to get our boots and our skis and snowboards, which was challenge. I did skiing. So the skiers had to get poles and then we had to go down the elevator and then we had our lessons we learned  how to stop on skiing you had to make a triangle  When the lesson was over we had lunch I had some money so I went to get hot chips and juice. Finally it was over we had to come to the hotel and have dinner and desert after dinner and desert we had a choice of going to bed or playing games . Camp is the best! I liked it really much.  Here is my slideshow

Friday, August 18, 2017


Hello bloggers. Two weeks ago we did book week and I think it was the most exciting week because  at Monday to Friday was the book fair where you can buy any kind of books chapter books, sticker books, picture books. On Wednesday the seniors did the poetry competition and in each class they had four people  to go to the semi finals. Well I did not get into the semi finals and then the finals were in front of the whole school and then who ever comes first gets to go to the book fair and chose a book over 20$.
We had a author coming into visit us it was Judi something, I don't know the last name. She told me to do a play with some other boys and we did the big bad wolf and then they did
another play. I don't know what it was called but book week was the best week. I really liked book week.

so ill tell you the group
and judi

Friday, August 11, 2017


Hello bloggers. Today I have been doing Cybersmart with my Cybersmart teacher. We had to go to the pad-let and write a sentence starter for our blog and then we had this doc to smurf. Then we had to put our sentence starters in it.  I did not finish so in the morning I had to finish it on Friday.

Friday, August 4, 2017


Hello bloggers. This week for maths we did geometry. We had to build a tent out of tooth picks and modelling clay and a  piece of paper. If it got lost it would be easier to find because everyone had the same things.We had to make 3D tents.We had only a strip of clay that's why we had to use a lump of clay each time.
I liked the task very much and it was quite challenging because every time I made it, it would break or go crooked. Then I fixed that problem because it had only a tiny bit of clay.
Overall it was better than I thought it would be 

Friday, July 7, 2017


Hello bloggers. 2 weeks ago me my friend and my other friend did a comic strip about making smart choices. So we did it about our Chromebook safety. It is important to never tell anyone whats your Chromebook password and don't share personal information, exsample. don't tell them were you live.
                                                           HERE IS MY COMIC STRIP.

Friday, June 23, 2017


Today in Cyber smart I have done a Bage about my self and what I want to do. Because I want to be a police in the swat team when I grow up I want to be a police because I think  that running after criminals is fun.  I would like to turn on  the sirens and then everybody has to move to the side while i'm driving.  The police can go in red yellow or green lights.
I learned how to take only one screenshot and then if you press Ctrl-c-v you can make anther one of the photo you took.

Friday, June 16, 2017


Hello blogger . Today Thursday 15 June I have done a thing link about me.  like about my family and hobbies things I'm good at and things I enjoy. I have put a be-funky photo at the back as you can see that is me I have not actually put lipstick and the red cheeks its  just a site called be-funky here are some things about me. At first when our cyber smart teacher told us about it he told us do you know how there are billboards of people they use be-funky for it to make people look better or uglier and this is what I did to my self  in be-funky

                                                                     ENJOY READING
                                                                                MY THING-LINK....

Friday, June 9, 2017


When we  moved into the new buildings  we had to go into our new reading groups. My group was working on when NZ launched a rocket. We made  a google drawing about it.  We had to put some facts about it and we had to put a title in  and in each writing shape  you have to put a  picture about that  writing  as you can see up on top i have put in the drawing that I made. 

it was quiet easy. I liked it  because we could put in pictures about the writing in.


Friday, May 5, 2017

QAIS'S creative writing

Down below is a my creative writing  all schools should have creative writing because its really good and you get better like when some body gives you a sentences starter you could say it really quick because you get 10 minutes and at the end you have to say what you wrote about.

                                                      LOOK DOWN BELOW

                                                         ENJOY READING

Thursday, May 4, 2017


Down below is a quick  preview of what i did on Thursday 2017 4th of may its about the people
who  can visit my bog.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.

summer learning journey day one week one activity 1

top 3 facts in the tourism New Zealand website summer learning journey day one week one activity 1  1.  New Zealand is one of the last...